Google Scholar is a web search engine which helps the users to get full text of scholarly literature and it is freely accessible to everyone. Google Scholar index subsumes most peer-reviewed online journals of Europe and America's largest scholarly publishers, scholarly books, and other relevant non-peer reviewed journals.
To use Google Scholar Wiki, you need to conduct a search by using the web-based Google site. If you want to see Google Scholar features and other options, you're required to visit the
Google Scholar website through a computer or mobile device with a web browser.
Google Scholar Wiki
Key Web-Links
You can consider a below number of great guides that help you to better understand Google Scholar and its features. The web-links of guidelines included tips for searching Google Scholar via UMUC, need six authoritative and relevant sources, and how to use Google Scholar.
Tips for Searching in Google Scholar
Google Scholar searches a small portion of library research websites as well as free web links in order to retrieve various types of books and articles in a variety of academic areas. You will be allowed to find materials on the web that may or may not be peer reviewed. Currently, it is not clear exactly that resources Google Scholar actually searches. Sometimes, it will provide links to websites in which you will be required to pay a fee to get full-text of an article or document. You can find such documents without paying any fees through the library research databases and choose your institution. You can go to website and click on settings. You can click on library links and do search for particular article title.
Performing a Basic Search
Through the Google Scholar website, you can perform a basic search based on keywords and phrases. For example, you can
purchase research papers online in multinational corporations and it will show you search results.
Search Results and Finding Full-Text
Whether you may want to view full-text of a document in library links. In that case, you can view a Find It @ UMUC link. You can click on the link and find the total screen that appears and showing databases in which full text is available. You can click on Go button and get access to full text of a document or article. Sometimes, the link of Find It @ UMUC link is appeared below the item instead of viewing next to the article. At this instances, you can find that it is less likely available in full text. When no link is available with an item, you can click on the title that may link you to get full-text on a website freely. Sometimes, it may asks you to pay for the full text. You can also request full text of the item through DocumentExpress service. Other elements also available on Google Scholar results list such as cited by, web search, and more.
Advanced Searching
On the home page, you can click on advanced search options in order to get advanced results for your chosen articles or journals. Based on your searches whether including keywords, dates, subject areas, or phrases, you can get particular articles or publications.